The Advancer Technologies EMG Muscle Sensor V3.0 With Cable And Electrodes will measure the filtered and rectified electrical activity of a muscle; outputting 0-Vs Volts depending the amount of activity in the selected muscle, where Vs signifies the voltage of the power source. Power supply voltage: min. +-3.5V.
This Muscle Sensor v3 from Advancer Technologies measures, filters, rectifies, and amplifies the electrical activity of a muscle and produces an analogue output signal that can easily be read by a microcontroller, enabling novel, muscle-controlled interfaces for your projects.
WARNING: As an inherent risk associated with electrical component work, improper use of this sensor could cause harm to the subject. If underage, do not use without adult supervision.
WARNING: This sensor is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation treatment, or prevention of disease, in a man or other animals.
note that the colors of Connecting Cable is different from the pictures so you should use this colors instead of the pictures
Red ====> yellow
Blue ====> Green
Black ====> Red
Kit include:
1x EMG Muscle Sensor V3.0 Module
3 x Electrode Pad
1 x Connecting Cable